Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 16

Food Entry:

This morning around 9am I had a bowl of special K cereal with 2% milk. Then around 11:30am I had a chocolate south beach diet protein bar. And around 1:30pm I had a Nature Valley Granola bar. After I got off work around 2pm I had a bowl of salad with 1 tablespoon of ranch dressing, and I had a few apple slices. I also had a small bit of cheddar cheese. About an hour or so before dinner I had another south beach diet protein bar. Then for dinner I had a Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich.
Although I did well with eating for the most part today, this evening around 11pm I was tempted too much with making sugar cookies. I had about a whole cookie's worth of cookie dough and 1 small cookie bite. So I cheated a little bit. *sigh* I can't be good all the time! It's killing me!

Work Out Routine:

Today I did P90X again with Travis. We worked our back muscles and arms. It was a variety of chinups, pull ups, pushups and other arm exercises. I feel so sore and tired! I know I'll feel it tomorrow! But it was a pretty good work out.

*Note: So I know I cheated a little bit today with the cookies, I really couldn't help myself. I need to be better. It won't happen again next week. I'm limiting myself to only 1 day of sweets a week, I can't cheat with this 2 days a week thing. I need to be better. Hopefully my work out helped burn all of those calories.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 15

Food Entry:

For breakfast around 9am this morning I had a strawberry-raspberry fruit smoothie. It has 1 cup of strawberries, 1 cup of raspberries, 1 cup natural yogurt, and 1/2 cup of orange/pineapple juice.
Then around 4pm I had an apple and orange bell pepper with dip. I had a little snack before dinner around 6pm, I had a yogurt and a South Beach Diet protein bar. For dinner around 8pm I had a piece of whole wheat bread with cottage cheese, mustard and turkey on it.I also had a salad with red wine vinegarette dressing and almonds. Then around 11pm I had a bowl of Special K cereal with 2% milk.

Work Out Routine:

Didn't do one. I ran out of time again. I really need to get better at this

*Note: So not working out 2 days a week is not cutting it. I really need to do better. I really need to put forth the effort to find time to work out on Sundays. Although, for the next month while I'm on break I can work out on Wednesdays too, and Sundays can be my off day. I'll work on it.
Again, I also need to be better with eating.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 14

Food Entry:

Saturday, Dec. 12

This morning around 10:30am I had a protein shake from Healthy n' Fit. It was really good. I also had some herbalife raspberry tea. Around 1pm I had some wheat thins. Then for dinner around 7:30pm I had 2 fresco style chicken tacos from taco bell. Travis said they were healthy. Since today was supposed to be my off day I had some cookie dough and a couple of sugar cookies.

Work Out Routine:

Today I had P90X with Travis again, we did Kempo X. It was a series of punching and kicking. It felt pretty good, I did sweat quite a bit.

*Note: I'm still not doing too good with getting the appropriate amount of calories needed for the day. Hopefully tomorrow I can do better tomorrow. It's back to eating healthy tomorrow. I also need to get better sleep. Travis said that if I don't get adequate amounts of sleep it'll be harder to lose weight. Apparently sleep helps! Oh and it's been officially 2 weeks straight that I've kept this up! YAY!!

Day 13

Food Entry:

For breakfast I had a bowl of Special K cereal with skim milk. Around 10am I had a clementine, and I had another clementine around 11am. For lunch I had an entree salad from spoons. It was a farmer's market salad with carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, blue cheese and grilled chicken. Then around 3pm I had some wheat thins. For dinner around 6pm I had a 5 piece chicken nugget from Wendy's.

Work Out Routine:

Today I did P90X with Travis again. We did back and legs today. It was a combination of lunges, squats and chinups/pullups. It was pretty hard. I did it for about 40 minutes.

*Note: I didn't eat a lot today, I'm not doing so well with getting enough calories. I really need to work on that. Hopefully my roommates will go shopping this weekend so we can have some food in the house.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 12

Food Entry:

Thursday, Dec. 10

This morning around 7:45 I had a South Beach Diet Protein bar and yogurt. Then around 10:30am I had a bowl of special K cereal with skim milk. For lunch, around 2:00pm I had some salmon and a salad with Vinagerette dressing, sliced almonds and dried cranberries. For dinner I had some home cooked Turkey made by Mo, about half a cup of mashed potatoes and gravy, about 2 tablespoons of stuffing, and 1/4 cup of green bean casserole. I also had a white homemade roll with butter.

Work Out Routine:

Today I did P90X Yoga with Travis for about 40 minutes.

*Note- I think I splurged a little bit on the food today. Wow, this past week has been no good, I'm sucking lately. I really need to do better. The Turkey from Mo was good and good for me, I probabl shouldn't have eaten those mashed potatoes and I definitely should not have eaten the green bean casserole or the roles. Especially since the rolls were not made out of wheat flour, they were really bad for me guaranteed. Shoot, I need to do better.
As for working out, I hate Yoga with a passion, mostly because I'm not good at it. I'm not flexible by any means what so ever. Travis says doing Yoga will help me be more flexible, balanced and prevent injury. So even though I hate it, I should probably do it, especially if I decide to do a Triathlon this summer.

Day 11

Food Entry:

Wednesday Dec. 9th

For breakfast I had a bowl of Special K cereal with skim milk. I also had a clemintine and wheat thins around 11am. Then around 1pm I had a south beach diet protein bar. For lunch (AROUND 2:30) I had a salad with a tablespoon of ranch dressing and a small slice of Papa Murphy's vegetarian pizza. Then around 5:30 I had another bowl of special K and skim milk. Then around 7:30 I had a turkey sandwhich, a granola bar and an apple.

Work Out Routine:

No work out routine today, it was my off day.

*Note- I think I gave into the pizza, for some reason my thought process was- vegetarian=healthy, this is not always the case. It still had cheese on it, and that has a lot of calories. I really shouldn't have eaten that pizza. And I don't think I should have eaten that second bowl of Special K before dinner. Hopefully I can work all this off tomorrow.

Day 10

Food Entry:

Tuesday, Dec. 8th

Today I had a bowl of Special K cereal with skim milk for breakfast. I also had an apple and turkey sandwhich on whole wheat bread and mustard. Later on in the day I had 3 servings of wheat thins. I also had some bell peppers and dip. For dinner I had potato soup and fracaccia bread. I also had a clementine and more wheat thins. I also had 2 small lime tootsie rolls for dessert.

Work Out Routine:

This evening I went to the gym and rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes, doing intervals of hills. Then I did some plyometrics: I did wall squats, lunges, jump squats, I worked my calves by going up and down on my tippy toes, and I also did regular squats. I did this for about 20-25 minutes.

*Note- I gave into tootsie rolls today, I kind of feel bad about it, but then again, they were tasty and it wasn't a whole lot so it's not that bad. But I can't be doing that anymore, I need to be better. The work out was really good, I felt really good and productive. Hopefull I'm sore tomorrow. That always lets me know that I worked out hard.